21 FEBRUARY 1931, Page 35

General Knowledge Questions

Gun, weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss Gwenllian Pryee, 105 Southwood Lane, Highgate, N. 6, for the following :—

Questions on Quadrupeds in Scripture

Fill in the missing names of quadrupeds in the following verses, and give the references to the books of the Bible where they occur.

1. The — are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks."

2. " In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, -which they made each one for himself to worship, to the —,andtothe—" 3. " And it shall come to pass in that day, that a man shall nourish a young — and two—." 4. " When she saw Isaac, she lighted off the—."

5. " The — knoweth his owner, and the — his master's crib."

6. " The high hills are a refuge for the wild—." 7. " Whose faces were like the faces of —, and were as swift as the — upon the mountains."

8. " Barley also and straw for the — and — brought they into the place where the officers were." - 9. " The — ont, of the wood cloth -waste it, and the wild beast

of the field cloth devour it." _ _ _

10. " And they laid the Ark of the Lord upon the, cark.and the coffer with the — of gold." 11: " The mountains skipped like and the little hills

like ."

12. " Bast thou given the — strength ? hest thou clothed his neck with thunder ? "

13. " And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the Answers will be found on page 290.