21 FEBRUARY 1931, Page 41

• The Peace Year Book 1931 (National Council for the

Pre. vention of War, 39 Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, ls.) is a marked improvement on earlier issues. There is the usual tabulated material comprising the Directory of Peace and Kindred Organizations at home and abroad ; the expenditure of the various -nations on armaments in certain given years, together with a useful analysis of British 1980-81 Budget Estimates and figures of the Officers' Training Corps ; and a list of recent treaties, pamphlets and leaflets on Peace and War, &c. But there -is also a most valuable contribution to our present discontents about the demand for " security " by Mr. Wickham Steed in his summary of 1930's contribution to peace. Another article, that by Mr. W. Arnold-Forster, on the question of Amendments. to the League Covenant, should not be, missed. -To parody the War-time song, if you will only pay the shilling, Mr. Gerald Bailey, the indefatigable driver of the peace-team, will make a peace-recruit of any one of you.