21 FEBRUARY 1941, Page 26

" THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 102 (A prize of a.Book

Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the rim correct solution-of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked with the words "Crossword Puzzle" and the NUMBER 'of the PUZZLE, and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday week. No envelopes ma be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appe.,,, below. The name of the winner and the solution will be published in the follme_ ing issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a zfd. stamp, orhervne they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A cannot be accepted.'

T. " Some that will evermore peep 7. A proud poet (7). through their eyes And laugh, like 8. Elevenses,-but not edible (5).

parrots, at a - " (Shakespeare) 9. Poetic paternity (to).

no. A hero found with fish (5). 18. If it's a put-up lob it's his (8). In. The one at the end of the train? (9). 20. This hat should be useful in thee is. " - magnificently stern array" days of rationing (z words) (4, 3) 14. Who sit for painters? These birds (Shakespeare) (7). (7). 23. Fine (6).

15. The wine of international under-

r6. One does this with the next (4). 27. Born in France (3).

19. " Upon the - that hangs my dear, Depends poor Polly's life " (Gay) (4).

21. Seldom mar a rearrangement for the stage (10).

24.- Custard (7).

25. The fellow to put benedictine in that is (7).

z6. A knight returns in a chicken (9).

28. Altogether Italian (5).

29. One of " our names familiar in his mouth as household words " (6).

30. Not what is associated with Linden Lea (z words) (4, 4).


x. Apparently a mordant and slander- ous footballer (9).

z. No doubt it helps one to stir leg (7).

3. Detach (8).

4. A bit of 30 (3), ACROSS 6. The humorist has almost depanea,

-in the cart (6).

cloth mock. The meat it feeds ye