21 FEBRUARY 1969, Page 27


(To the Editor of The Times)

Sir: If you will turn to the files of your great newspaper you will find that thahks to the fiat of the Government and their docile majority ten whole numbers are omitted. The loss over our whole community must amount to perhaps a thirtieth of our national product. Is this how we are supposed to make devalua- tion work?

I know that some people say any such losses will be made up by the labours of other days: days which some of us, especially the old folk, will not live to see. And what about the lives of those crippled by Omissional Neurosis? They cannot be so easily repaired. In corre- spondence with the Minister responsible I have received scant sympathy. His letters, deliber- ately dated to emphasise my loss, have been a cruel mockery.

Yours etc, EDWARD PIXIE, I December O.S.