21 FEBRUARY 1970, Page 26

Great Concorde brainwash

Sir: I regret that in my piece last week (14 February) an error remained uncorrected in the final copy. The £10 million a month said to be drawn from the taxpayer by the British Aircraft Corporation is, in fact, the total amount being drawn by both the British and French manufacturers. sec's share is about half of this.

Peter I. Smith 18 Lyndor Road, Liverpool Sir: I am fascinated by Mr Peter Smith's 'simple statistic' (14 February) of the effect of sonic booms on American windows. ('If sonic booms were to break only one window in eight million, one day's operations would break 40,000 windows').

At 1,600 windows per head of the us population, how do they find time from window cleaning for any other activity? Including protests about sonic booms?

C. 0.1. Ramsden The Old Rectory, Burton Agnes, Driffield