21 JANUARY 1837, Page 6

Sir William APMahon, Master of the Rollsolied on Monday. He

was immensely rich. It is supposed that Baron O'Loghlen will suc- ceed to the Rolls, and perhaps, Mr. Attorney-General Richards to the seat in the Court of Exchequer. But neither of these arrange- ments is positively fixsd.

The extent to which influenza prevails in Dublin may be gathered from the fact, that by- an official return 1,500 of the garrison, composed of 4,000 men, are reported unable to do duty. Only four of the officers of the Eighth Hussars are efficient. Throughout the public establishments the principals and assistants arc ill, in about the same proportion.

An attempt was mule at Ballyfad, in Wexford County, a few days ago, to sell some goods seized for tithe due to the Reverend Ralph Cumming. An immense number of the peasantry, estimated at 20,0fX), were present, but not one would bid a farthing.