21 JANUARY 1843, Page 2

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.Tax Court returned to Windsor Castle from Claremont on Monday. The Queen and Prince Albert and the Princess Royal were in one carriage, and the suite followed in another. A party of the Second Regiment of Life Guards formed the escort. The Queen sat on Thursday to Mr. George Hayter, for a full-length portrait in the robes of the Garter. The Queen and Prince Albert have taken their usual walking excur- sions. The Prince went out shooting in the Forest on Wednesday ; on Thursday he hunted with the harriers. Prince Albert came to town yesterday, by the Great Western Rail- way ; inspected the new Chapel Royal in Buckingham Palace ; trans- acted business at the office of the Dutchy of Cornwall; and returned to Windsor Castle.

The visitors at the Castle have been the Duke of Bucclench, the Mar- -quis of Douglas, Baron Gersdorff, the Saxon Minister, the Earl of Lincoln, and Sir Henry Wheatley. The Duke of Sussex arrived at Kensington Palace yesterday, from a long visiting-tour in the provinces. He was visited in the afternoon 'by the Duke of Cambridge and the Dutchess of Gloucester. ' The Duke of Cambridge visited the Dutchess of Gloucester on Wed- nesday, at Gloucester House, and returned to Kew. He visited the Dutchess again yesterday. Queen Adelaide has given 501. to the Salisbury Diocesan Church- building Association.