21 JANUARY 1911, Page 2

The annual meeting of the National Directory of the United

Irish League was held in Dublin on Wednesday, with the president, Mr. John Redmond, in the chair. On the motion of the chairman, it was decided "that no settlement of the Irish question will be acceptable to Ireland which does not confer on the Irish people the right of full self-government through an Irish National Parliament with an Executive responsible thereto." In the evening Mr. Redmond spoke at a banquet at the Mansion House. He said they were met to celebrate a great, far-reaching, and conclusive political triumph. As for the future, they were on the eve of the consideration of the terms of a Home-rule BilL There would be no creation of five hundred Peers, the Lords' veto would be probably out of existence before the Coronation, and they had the assurances and pledges of Mr. Asquith and the leaders of the Liberal Party that their proposal would be for a measure of full self-government for Ireland, meaning thereby an Irish Parliament with an Executive responsible to it.