21 JANUARY 1911, Page 23

READABLE NOVELS.—The Mulberries of Daphne. By Kate Horn. (Stanley Paul

and Co. 6s.)—A freshly written little book con- cerning* a young woman who runs away from Mayfair to try the simple life, with astonishingly good results.—Fedora of the Halls. By Arthur Applin. (F. V. White and Co. 6s.)—A rather incredible story of a girl who, being financially ruined, embraces the career of a music-hall dancer without the slightest training, and makes a great success.—Just Between Ourselves. By Anne Warner. -(T. Fisher T.Inwin. 6s.)—The story of an American lady who gives a house-party at a mountain inn in Germany. As the members of the party do little else but quarrel, it does not turn out a very harmonious entertainment.