21 JANUARY 1928, Page 20

General Knowledge Questions

A NUMBER of correspondents have written to point out that there was a, serious error in both question and answer -in the third of our General Knowledge Questions last week, which, of course, should have read "What line follows 'A little learning is a dangerous thing ' ? instead of the common misquotation that our contributor gave. The answer should read : "Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring."

* * * * The prize of one guinea, which the Editor offers each week for the best set of thirteen General Knowledge Questions, is awarded this week to Mr. A. R. Watson for the following questions on Boswell's Johnson :— .

Questions on Boswell's "Johnson "

1. Where and when did Boswell first meet Johnson ?

2. Where was the Dictionary written ?

3. Of which of his friends did Johnson. Say: ." No man. was more foolish when he had not a pen in hand, or more wise when he had " ?

- 4. What did Johnson regard as the-throne of human- felicity " • 5. How did Johnson say he would spend his life if he had no duties ? 6. With what language did Sohnion Say he would never consent to disgrace the walla of Westminster Abbey 1•

7. Of whom did Johnson observe that after-five minutes' chance talk with him as a stranger you would say at once he was an extra- ordinary man ?

- 8. Who was Hodge ?

9. In' what circumstances were Samuel Johnson and John Wilkes introduced to each other ?

10. "Seven years have now passed since I waited in your outward rooms or was repulsed from your doer." Who wrote these words, and to Whorn were they addressed ? - II. What event did -Johnson say had "eclipsed the gaiety of nations " 12. How did Mr. Edwards account for his lack of success in trying to be a phikisophei 1

13. Where -and when did Boswell see Johnson for the last time?

'Answers-will be-found on -page 96.