21 JANUARY 1928, Page 2

When the employers discovered that Mr: Bell had 'pub- lished

this -statement they issued a statement 'of 'their own to the effect that it had been "recommended that a Small sub-Committee should be ferined to &insider all the proposals which had been Made.' There-is dearly 'a contradiction between the two statement Beif said that AO committee had been appointed, and that the next meeting would be another plenary COnferenee; Judged as an effert in business management this start of the conferenee was a very poor one, but there are; happily, some good signs. Neither side has shut the &Or-. The employers admit the urgent heed of reconstrticticin, but are so 'vague in their proposals that it must be sup- posed either that they do not know- he* to go- about it; or that past experience has made them despair of any policy of co-ordination end restrictive Co-nlieratien among themselves. The operatives at least make the precise proposal Of a Statutory Committee.- Presuinably,- if they got the equivalent of the Report of'the Samuel Commission on the coal industry they would not be so wisPeakably foolish its to reject it.' •