21 JANUARY 1928, Page 32


The annual valuation of the National Mutual Life Assurance Society, as at December 81st last, discloses a net surplus of £864,162. The ordinary rate of compound reversionary bonus has been increased by is. to 45s. per cent., which follows 44s. per cent. declared for the previous two years. For the year 1926 a special additional reversionary bonus of 6s. per cent. compound was allotted to Whole-Life With-Profit Assurances. This special extra bonus has been maintained, making a total of 51s. per cent. compound for Whole-Life With-Profit policies for the year 1927. The surplus carried forward has been increased to £751,246. An interim bonus of 45s. per cent. compound will be paid in respect of claims arising during the current year. The net New Business is the largest amount which the Society has completed, and for the first time in its history the gross amount exceeds £1,000,000. The average net rate of interest earned during the year increased to - 14 14s, 3d. per cent. after deduction of Income Tax and excluding Reversions. The Society's funds increased by $346,018 to $5,078,691.