21 JANUARY 1949, Page 16

Sn1, — Mr. Jack Grahl's letter is illuminating if it indicates the

present attitude of mind of London busmen. Surely it is somewhat staggering when he states that "no thinking trade unionist will be taken in by that hoary and discredited dictum of the capitalist economist that the pressure of wage demands leads to inflation." If by pressure the writer means an increase resulting from pressure, I should have thought it self-evident that, for example, to raise the pay of every wage-earner in the country by £5 per_ week would cause rapid and violent inflation..

I am interested to note the warning which Mr. Jack Grahl administers to the Government and his statement that this policy of the Labour Government is diametrically opposed to the fundamental aims of the Labour Government. There seems to me to be a remarkable similarity between the views expressed in this letter and those which recently I have heard the Communists preach. Perhaps, too, it is not too naive to imagine that Communist influence can be discerned in our recent industrial unrest ?—Yours faithfully, S. KNOX CUNNINGHAM

Woodland Cottage, Chelsfteld, Kent.