21 JANUARY 1955, Page 30

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Solution will be published on February 4


1 Seaman displa's early signs of being an oddity (13).

9 Obstruct the boss, dolt! (9).

10 Fortune's fool (5).

11 'She was made to bruise and -' (Meredith) (5).

12 Nothing gross about this court per- former (3-6).

13 A large drink (of Schnapps?) for an ambassador (7).

15 Father O'Flynn's county (7).

17 Equip uselessly but firmly (7).

19 Bad clues in writing (7).

21 It looks as though fashion's costs are reasonable•(9).

23 I'm lost in the corn (5).

24 What language! (5).

25 Has the historian returned from the United States? (9).

26 Moon is salient in this rite (13).

DOWN 2 With which one displaying 1 across gets his own back (9).

3 Artistic progress in the garden? (5).

4 A snapper-up of unconsidered trifles? (7).

5 'Problematical, to find the time of dispatch (7).

6 Was Fauntleroy one of these? (9).

7 Material for a Scots hat (5).

8 Where to find Old Faithful in the ring (6).

9 Beckford's model? (5).

14 Sotto voce not very apparent in 9 dn. (9).

16 Turkey-buzzard (9). 17 The Colonel loses his head on a walk! (6).

18 Unguarded by the Turk, it's, dan- gerous (7). 19 `We cannot all be (Shake- speare) (7).

20 Smooth but apparently capsized at sea (5). 22 What's the dog doing in Australia? (5).

23 Get up at ten a.m. (5).