21 JANUARY 1966, Page 3

—Portrait of the Week

SEVEN DAYS of toil and trouble for politicians: some were shot and others disappeared in an army coup in Nigeria, in India there was a fight for the succession to Mr. Shastri ending in triumph for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, in Australia news that Sir Robert Menzies was at last to retire leaked out in advance, in Britain Mr. Grimond called the Prime Minister 'a much better Conservative leader than Mr. Heath,' and the Tories themselves went through a week of headline crises because of what Mr. Angus Maude wrote in last week's SPECTATOR. `Colonies do not cease to be colonies,' said Disraeli, 'because they are independent': but front-bench opposition spokesman on the colonies obey different rules, and Mr. Maude duly resigned on Tuesday to speak more easily from the back benches. 'We are a gentlemanly party,' he was quoted as saying, 'and we don't like to make a fuss for each other.'