21 JULY 1832, Page 10


Sir Thomas Tyrrwhit has resigned the office of Usher of the Black Roth, and Sir Augustus Clifford is appointed his successor. The salary, derived from fees, is about 4,0001. per‘annum.

On the arrival of the Earl of Minto at Berlin, Mr. Chad, the pre- sent Minister at the Court of the Kin,*v' of Prussia, will return to this country. Mr. Chad has been described as an Mee of the Chmearty and Castlereagh school of diplomacy, and is therefore pronounced an Anti-Liberal in politics.—Morning Herald.

Sir Walter Scott has stood his journey to Abbotsford well, and been greatly soothed and gratified by finding himself at home. He was

wheeled on the day after his arrival into his Library, Hall, &c. and spoke and looked more like himself than those about him ever 1;oped to witness.—Scotsman.

There are at present three governorships of forts vaeant,—Stirling Castle, by the death of Earl Donoughmore ; Londonderry, by the death of General Hart; and Pendennis Castle, by the death of Colonel Penwick.

Mr. Belford, or Bedford Wilson, is to be Consul-General in Peru. This person I take to be a son of Sir Robert Wilson, who was in the military service of Colombia as Adjutant or Aide-de-camp to Bolivar. Mr. Wilson may be, for aught I know, a brave soldier ; but I am sure he possesses no qualification to recommend him as a commercial agent. I say this deliberately, from having seen something of him in South America. I am, therefore, at a loss to find a sufficient cause for this appointment, except it be as a reward to the ex-member for Southwark, for having betrayed the cause of Reform ; for which service to the Tories, some secret influence, more powerful than Lord Grey's, now procures this sinecure for his son. Sinecure it ought not, and would

not be to any qualified person ; but that it will be so in the hands of Mr. Wilson, no one who knows him will for a moment doubt.-0. P. Q. in the Itforning Chronicle.

Lord Goderich has caused an official communication to be forwarded to Lloyd's, announcing that at New Brunswick a small tax has been im- posed on all emigrants going to that place, and that the measure has re- ceived the sanction of his Majesty's Council.

The order by which the widows of officers of the Navy could only hold pensions by their husbands having served ten years in active service

has been rescinded, and ten- full years on the list of commission or warrant officers will now entitle them to their pensions.—Portssiouth Herald.

In addition to the 1,622 signatures attached to the Polish address pre- sented to Mr. C. Ferr,usson, 417 other names have been received since the address was prssented.

Townsend, the Bow Street officer, is said to have died worth 25,0001. The commerce of Havre during the month of June was great beyond all former precedent. During the month, there entered 26 vessels from Calmidaloupe, Martinique, and Cayenne, 39 from different ports in the United States, 2 from Brazil, 3 from Hayti, 2 from Mexico, 2 from Ilavannalm and Porto Rico, 2 from Monte Video and Buenos Ayres,

I from Manilla and Calcutta, 1 from the Island of Bourbon, 1 from Senegal, and 1 from time whale fishery; making in all SO ships from distant countries; to which are to be added, 25 vessels from time Medi- terranean, 24 from other European ports, 52 from the North, and 226 coasting vessels; forming a total of 407 arrivals.—Journal do Havre. Accounts from St. Jago de Cuba state, that his Majesty's schooner Speedwell (5), Lieutenant- Commander Warren, Lad, after a most gal- lant miming fight, succeeded in capturing a Spanish vessel, with 239 slaves on board.—Deronport Telegraph.

Aim order has been issued by the Commons' Committee on Dramatic Literature, for a copy of the appointment of the Exaniiner of Plays, amid of the terms of the oath administered to him on his acceptauce of office.

George Buder, formerly master tailor of the court of Louis the Six- teenth, died lately at the Hague, at the age of one hundred years and nine weeks.

It is a singular fact, that wherever the cholera prevails, the flies die. Never before were there seen so few flies in Liverpool as at present.

Butchers, grocers, and provision-shops, are quite free.—.Liverpool Journal. [This fact will no doubt reconcile the Liverpuddleians to the annoyance of flies, when they again become troublesome.] It is in contemplation to establish a steam-boat to.ply regularly from Amiens to Abbeville, and thence to Havre and back again.—Paris Paper. A treaty of commerce and navigation between England and the free city of Frankfort was signed on the 13th Mar, by which each contract- ing party is to be placed in respect of the other on the same footing as the most favoured nation is. The treaty is for ten years.

The Duke de Reichstadt is not yet dead. His case, however, seems hopeless. It is said that a French artist was recently admitted to the presence of the young Prince, and, on requesting that his Highness would honour his album with a.souvenir hp wrote down the following : " Vous retournez Paris, dites la Colonne (the Column of the Place Vendbme que je meurs en regrettant de ne pouvoir l'embrasser !"— - Herald.

On Wednesday sennight, the wife of a cottager at Great Casterton,-. named Chapel (farming man to Mr. Nixon, waggoner, of this place), was safely delivered of three children, the second time of her having had three children at a birth. In this as in the former case two of them died and one has survived.