21 JULY 1832, Page 2

The Frankfort Journal of the 10th gives, under the title

of the public Protocol of the 22d sitting of the Diet of the Germanic "Confederation, a very important document. The principal parties Tresent and represented in the Diet on the occasion were— Austria, Prussia, Bavaria Saxony, Hanover, Wurtemberg, Baden, Hesse 'Electoral, Grand Duchy of Hesse, Denmark, Duchy of Luxemburg, Grand Ducal and Ducal Houses of Saxony, Brunswick, and Nassau, the two Meek- lenburgs, Oldenburg, Anhalt, Schwarsherg, Hohenzollern, and the free towns a Lubeck, Frankfort, Bfemen, and Hamburg.

Austria, of course, was in the chair by right ; and harangued the Diet on the influence which the resolutions of a calm and well- disposed majority must necessarily exercise over the minds of the :people of Germany, " whose virtues arc the admiration of Europe;" 13ut among whom, most unfortunately, of late a pestilent spirit called Liberty has been seen at divers meetings, and under circum- stances of a very alarming nature. The Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia having taken counsel together on the subject, --their deliberations being hastened, the Journal des Debuts says, by the meeting at Hambach,—offered to the Diet a series of reso- lutions, by due obedience to which the said spirit will, it is pre- sumed, be for the future effectually laid,—whether in a red sea or not, will very much depend on the number and courage of its worshippers.

The object of the Sovereign resolutions, to which we have else- where adverted, may be described in a very few words to be—the suppression of every attempt of the people in any of the minor states of Germany to establish Constitutional Governments. Mach state stands pledged to all the rest, under the name of the Germanic Confederation, to repress such attempts ; and if it have not the power, or should appear wanting in the inclination, the greater powers of Austria and Prussia will at once, in the name of the Confederation, proceed to put down what the weakness or bad faith of the smaller state might otherwise induce it to tolerate. The process of reasoning by which the Diet has arrived at the conclusion, that it has a right to interpose, not merely between the sovereign of a state and the people, but between the sovereign and the legislature, is ingenious. It is a consequence of the Germanic Confederation, that each state shall by its assemblies vote such taxes as are necessary for the performance of all those acts which the Confederation deems requisite for the general good : if the assemblies refuse to vote such taxes, the assemblies are guilty of seditious resistance : in cases of seditious resistance, the Con- federation may interfere to punish the offenders and restore tran- quillity: ergo, if, under pretence of amendments of its constitu lion, any state refuse to vote whatever taxes the sovereign de- mands, the Confederation may interfere for the purpose of re- storing such a state to tranquillity.

a With respect to the abuses of the periodical press," say the resolutions, " the Diet waits for the report of the Committee appointed in its 14th sitting this year, for the introduction of uniform ordinances respecting the press, that it may tale a final resolution ; and it confidently expects, from the zeal of the Committee, that it will, as speedily as possible, complete its labours in the spirit a the above representation.'

The press is to be put down "calmly," and in a "well-disposed" =tanner.

The signatures to this document present some shades of dif- ference, which are worth noticing,—not as indicating any doubt of the fatherly love of Austria, but of the ready acquiescence of the respective herds of cattle for which the signers are responsible. The following is the list of worthies.

Austria Munch Rellinghausen Prussia Nagier oposed Decree. Bavaria Lerchenfeld Opposed, but ultimately consented. Saxony Manteufel 'Warmly supported. Acknowledges paternal solicitude of Bowyer Strahlenheim the two Great Powers. Wurtemburg Trott Proposed some trilling amendment. Baden Blettersdorf Consented. Nesse Ducal Gram As Hanover.

Besse Electoral Riess As Bavaria. holstein (Denmark) Peehlin Considers measure highly popular. Luxemburg (Holland) . Griinne Supported in strong terms.

Brunswick aud Nassau. Marschall 'Mecklenburg ... Schack Small States Leonardi Rause Towns Caitlin;

Oldenburg and five other

small States Both Duchy of Saxe Reust Return thanks to two Great Powers for their paternal solicitude.