21 JULY 1877, Page 2

It is affirmed, though not,offieially, that the French elections will

be fixed for October ]1,—,-the very latest date which on any interpretation of the Constitution could be chosen. The second elections will then come off on October 28, and the new Assembly would meet about November 14, nearly four months hence., Mean- while the Bonapartista and Legitimists are beginning to quarrel furiously, the former, deelering openly that they intend to bring back the Empire, and the latter that if this is the case, they will support the Republic. So bitter is the ;quarrel, that M. de Fourtou has issued a circular to the Prefects, telling them that "the patronage of Government can be accorded only to those of the candidates whose addresses do not - deviate from the policy of conciliation and union among all sections of the Comervative ,party." The Bonapartist candidates are, however, favoured at the Ministry of the Interior, and one of the best-informed moderate Conserva- tives in France assures his friends that the next Assembly will contain only Republicans and Imperialists. The Legi- timists and Orleanists will be extinguished, and though the Republicans will remain a majority, the Empire will have a formidable body of adherents. We believe this to be a correct view, with the reserve that at the last moment, on the second ballot, the monarchical strength may be thrown for the Republic. The Orleanist Princes cannot want to go into exile again, and the Empire would not tolerate their presence.