21 JULY 1894, Page 17



Dowager Duchess of Abercorn is not the daughter of Francis, fifth Duke of Bedford, to whom Burke addressed the famous "letter to a noble Lord." She is the daughter of John, sixth Duke of Bedford, of whom there is a short notice on page 239 of the first volume (second series) of the "Greville Memoirs." She is half-sister to the seventh Duke, who took a most important part in all Cabinet negotiations in the latter days of Mr. Greville's life, and of Lord John, the Prime Minister. She is also supposed to be the widow of the model from whence Lord Beaconsfield drew his famous picture of "the sustained splendour of the stately life" of Dukes in the United Kingdom, and consequently the mother of the young lady there sketched as Lady Corisande.—I am, Sir, &c.,

H. R. G.