21 JULY 1928, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—On behalf of the New Health Society, may I be allowed to express our appreciation of the initiative taken by the Spectator in directing the attention of the public to the necessity of cleanliness in the production, distribution and handling of all foodstuffs ?

The apathy of the public in 'regard to clean food is still considerable, and it will only be broken down as the result of determined propaganda backed up by the medical pro- fession and the representatives of industrial and commercial interests. In addition to organized effort in creating a strong public opinion, much can be done by the individual through constantly bringing to the notice of shopkeepers and others how far they fall short of a hygienic ideal.

A Committee of the New Health Society is considering various aspects of the food problem, and it is hoped that the recommendations of that Committee when published will be of assistance in stimulating a strong public opinion on this

vital matter.—I am, Sir, &c., C. M. KORAN,

General Secretary.

New Health Society, 39 Bedford Square, W .C.1.