21 JULY 1973, Page 3

Disgusted, Dorking

From Mrs J. Booker

Sir: As an ex Conservative Branch secretary, and disgusted with Heath's inflation and blatant hypocrisy (I have correspondence to prove it) I recently severed all my long-standing connections with the Conservative party.

But today there is an unbelievable sound ringing in my ears! My father, one of an old English traditionally tory family, once an Imp Chairman, onetime youngest known conservative councillor, party worker, devotee and ardent believer in old conservative policies — a really staunch, unflinchable true blue — announced to me last night that he is voting liberal next time. If that doesn't guarantee " Heath out, Thorpe in" nothing will. Mr Heath has finally rocked his boat!

There's a lump in my throat as our green and pleasant land totters. We won two great world wars at immeasurable human cost and now we're giving it all away; the technical losers of Normandy are now the outright winners.

Oh, for the halcyon days of John Bull waving his Union Jack! Solution? Thorpe and Powell unite!

J. Booker 15 West Street, Dorking, Surrey