21 JULY 1973, Page 3


Sir: The row over the visit of the Prime Minister of Portugal arising from an alleged and highly suspect report of a " massacre" in Mozambique, is like the storm over Black South African wages and Rhodesian independence merely another facet of the Communist propaganda war designed to eliminate European influence from Southern Africa. Particularly as this precise set of allegations was first published in an Italian Communist newspaper six months ago!

It is time, however, that the whole matter was put in its proper perspective. To quote a Communist slogan concerned with the issue " The fight in Africa and the fight in Europe are one," What this means for us is that the frontier of Europe and Britain in particular is on the Zambesi.

If Communist terrorists masquerading as "freedom fighters " are allowed to triumph in Southern Africa it will not be long before we experience large scale urban guerilla warfare in Europe. Indeed it is already occurring in Ulster, Britain's back door, where the Marxist orientated IRA are being supplied, like the Black terrorists in Southern Africa, with weapons from Eastern Europe and China.

The Communist powers are shrewd enough to know that to take Europe frontally would mean enormous coinmittment without accompanying gain. They realise that the key areas of future power lie not in Europe but in Africa and Asia. Thus the wars that the Communists call "wars of liberation " will continue to be fought by their dupes with a view to securing these areas and isolating the Western world from its sources of food and raw materials.

The Portuguese army in Southern Africa, with the South Africans and Rhodesians, are Europe's first line of defence. Instead of attempting to denigrate and humiliate them Press and politicians should be supporting them with words and supplying them with arms. Their fight is our fight.

Philip Baker 243 Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley, Berks