21 JUNE 1834, Page 8


The Earl of Roden, in imitation of Lord ‘Vinchilsea, has addressed to his Protestant brethren of Ireland a letter on the present dangerous crisis of the Church. He is quite as much alarmed as his prototype at the idea of the Government being carried on in accordance with " the spirit of the age ;" which in Ireland, he maintains, is hostile to Protestantism. He earnestly implores his countrymen of the true faith to send their petitions to the Legislature, claiming its deft:nee of their holy religion. The letter is evidently the production of a sincere, but bigoted and weak-minded man.

Dr. Doyle (whose decease was prematurely announced two weeks ago) died on Sunday, at Carlow. He lay during his illness tie a narrow truckle bed, with a straw mattrass beneath him ; and it would seem that bodily penance was added to his emaciating illness.