21 JUNE 1879, Page 1

The remaining news from Zululand is, as usual, unsatis- factory.

According to a long telegram in the Standard, General Newdigate's column is at last to advance to a point where it will be joined by General Wood's force, and thence to send a light expedition.without tents to burn Ulundi ; but nothing else has as yet been settled. The new reports received from General Wood's camp, and said to rest on native authority, state that Cetewayo has sworn before his people not to accept the terms offered him, but to fight on while he has a soldier left. Oaths of that kind are often broken, and indeed depend on the terms offered, but the general belief in camp is evidently that Cetewayo will not submit at discretion, and the war, there- fore, had General Wolseley not been sent out, might have gone on for years. We are not in reality one step forwarder than in February last.