21 JUNE 1924, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Many will feel grateful to you for the advice on the housing difficulty in the Spectator of June 7th. May I add one suggestion, viz., " Let the women help " ? They helped to win the War, let them help to build houses for its heroes. This idea has been in my mind for some time, and I now venture to ask you to give it a hearing. Much of the building work is not heavy, women can paper and paint, and often do. There are forester girls who can wield an axe, and land girls who can dig foundations, older women can plan. houses to suit women, others can organize and direct, and a few can give or lend money. The less State help the better. Who will give us a lead ? The work ought to be begun at ,once while it can be carried on from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., as they did in Belgium, and had houses up in the desolated areas two years ago. Women will not permanently interfere with the building trade ; when the houses are ready, they will want to live in them and do other things.—Ever Yours Sincerely, AN OLD GIRL OF 65.