21 JUNE 1924, Page 9





" I think the aim of effective co-operation within the Empire would be best obtained by giving the Dominion full recognition respecting self-governing rights, and that any steps we take to make clearer our full rights to self-government will conduce to the security and permanency of our allied nationhood within the Empire."—The Canadian Prime Minister in the Parliament at Ottawa.

r-pHE question of Canada's position in the British - Commonwealth has been much in the public mind lately as a result of the discussions in the British and Canadian Parliaments on the ratification of the Lausanne Treaty. Considerable 'space has also been devoted to the subject in the British and Canadian Press. Two or three times I have dealt with the matter in the Spectator, and it is because I feel that I did less than justice to the Canadian Government or to Mr. Mackenzie King that I desire to return to the subject and to make reparation where it is due. In passing a tribute must be paid to Lord Beaverbrook for his share in dispelling, in the Daily Express, the mists of misconception. The attitude adopted by that journal during the controversy shows effectively how useful it is to have someone with an intimate knowledge of the Empire controlling one of the great organs of public opinion in this country.