21 JUNE 1930, Page 19


The President of the Board of Education, presiding at the annual demonstration of the Boys' Brigade at the Royal Albert Hall, and referring to the importance of organizations which teach boys how to use their leisure, said : The Boys' Brigade opens out a big opportunity for the best kind of holiday in the open air and in camp." Members of the Brigade, as part of their training, learn to pay their way, but times are none too good, unemployment is rife and the boy whose weeldy wage is badly needed at home finds great difficulty in raising the full cost of camp, which is about 30s. per boy. In order to augment the savings of such boys and to ensure that the largest possible number of London boys may share in the delights and benefits of camp, a fund has been opened, and those of your readers who are interested in fitting the rising generation for the duties of citizenship of the Empire are asked to send contributions to the Honorary London Treasurer or the London Secretary, The Boys' Brigade, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W. 1. Cheques should be crossed " National Provincial Bank, Ltd."— BRENTFORD, Hon. London President.