21 JUNE 1930, Page 2

The Election Campaign in Canada The campaign which has just

opened in Canada will be followed with the highest interest in Great Britain.

The work of the last session was expedited in order that the new Prime Minister should be elected in time to represent the Dominion at the Imperial Conference in September. The issue of the election is, therefore, the policy to be pursued at this Conference. Mr. Lapointe, the. Conservative leader, insists that reciprocity is necessary if tariff preferences are to be granted to Great- Britain by Canada. Mr. Mackenzie King, the Liberal Prime Minister, argued last Tuesday that Great Britain would prefer " the. hand of good will to the club threatened by the Conservatives." He insisted that some concessions by Canada are worth making in order to retain her present large share of the British wheat market. His sincerity is proved by the favours granted to Great Britain in the recent Budget.

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