21 JUNE 1935, Page 3

Anti-Aircraft Territorials Those metropolitan units of the Territorial Army which

have accepted conversion into Anti-Aircraft Defence Units have made no small sacrifice in cutting themselves off from their associates in their divisional organizations. On the other hand, they will gain immensely in their sense of the great importance of the new work they have undertaken. They will be no longer undergoing training which, in the event of war, would have to be followed by much more training before they could be ready for service. They become, under the conditions of modern warfare, first-line troops, in the sense that they must be prepared for immediate action from the first moment of hostilities, to defend the points that will be_ first threatened by attacks from the air. They will be called upon to operate search- lights and anti-aircraft guns against possible attackers from the air ; and it will be their interesting duty to study those new methods of aerial range-finding which should make anti-aircraft guns far more efficient in the future than they were during the Great War.