21 JUNE 1935, Page 34


Sir Stephen Killik, the Present Lord Mayor, can be con- gratulated on the report just issued of the Colthrop Board and Paper Company, of which he is Chairman. The profit for the year was 1,46,554 against 135,517 in the previous year, after providing for depreciation. Both production at the mills and the net profit created new records, and indeed the results are a tribute to the way in which the Company has risen to the opportunities provided by the duties on foreign straw boards, although the report states that the competition both from domestic and foreign producers has been very keen. The dividend for the year is 10 per cent. against 71 per cent., while £5,000 is added to the Reserve, £2,500 t.. special depreciation. and ' £1,500 to reserve for bad debts, leaving £15,30erto be carried forward against £14,347 brougl.

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