21 JUNE 1975, Page 4

Divided Tories

Sir: Despite the fact that Patrick Cosgrave's adulation of Mrs Thatcher is based on qualities (of a right-wing nature) which she does not claim to possess, his warnings of malicious revenge from the more extreme Heathmen are spot-on.

In view of the present deficiencies of parliamentary democracy, the opportunism of the Labour leadership, and the economic crisis, an untied Tory party is a prerequisite for our country's salvation. Personally, I am not a "right-wing." Tory (which my monetarist convictions would lead the unenlightened to assume) — in fact at an OUCA general meeting, a Monday Club caucus accused me of being a "Trot"! Despite my respect for Mr Heath (which, if Mr Cosgrave's reports are true is fast diminishing) and his EEC crusade, I recognise that his government's economic policies became useless in the fight against inflation (doubled money supply?), and that his "return to glory" is talked about more often than are the policies he would present were that perpetration of dishonour to occur.

At the Scottish Tory conference, Mrs Thatcher's reception was rapturous compared to Mr Heath's the previous year everywhere in the country there is a desire for united mobilisation. The disgraceful disloyalty to, and disdain for, Mrs Thatcher shown by, say, Mr Peter Walker, finds a response only amongst those who bear an inordinate grudge against Mrs Thatcher, and those who cultivate personality rather than policy.

If Mr Heath is a statesman, let him put Conservaive unity before the aggrieved selfishness which he shows signs, tragically and unforgiveably, of manifesting. Conservatives have respect for Mr Heath as their past leader and respect for his vindication of his EEC stand. They will not stand for the subjugation of an all-too-necessary party unity to Mr Heath's "hag-ridden" obsessions with self-righteousness and revenge, however.

Calum R. Paton Junior Common Room, Hertford College, Oxford.