21 MARCH 1835, Page 19


THE forthcoming volume of this cheap and elegant serial commences Ichthyology, and this first number of the Fish series is devoted to Perches ; the common perch, in the opinion of OLIVIER," exhibit- ing the greatest general perfection of form amongst fishes.- Of the different members of this pattern genus, we have one- and-thirty coloured portraits, set off by spirited backgrounds, for the most part representing real views in the region where the particular family is found. An engraving of the muscles of the; perch, another of its skeleton, two plates of fossil remains, and a portrait of Sir JOSEPH Beams after LAWRENCE, complete the illustrations.

The literature consists of a characteristic account of each species whose figure is represented, and of some families which are not painted ; an introductory Essay on Ichthyology, and a Memoir of Sir JOSEPH BANKS. The descriptions of the individual tribes are brief and complete, though somewhat dry ; the Essay is an inte- resting paper, where science is agreeably varied by facts and anec- dote; the Memoir, furnished by a friend, duals rather with the public events of Sir Josseit's life than the character, peculiarities, and habits of the man. The most interesting parts are those which relate to the attack of the acrimonious II oasanv upon. the amateur naturalist ; and the fulsome letter written in IsO2 by the delighted Sir OSEPH to the" Citiaens - of the National Institute of France on their electing him a Foreign Associate, by which espistle he 0111.'1042d GEORGE the Third. Neither the Bishop nor the Mon; rah v.-ere very placable ; but the King, in this case, was more forgiving than tile minister of the gospel,—thouoli there was somee hat of personal interest to stimulate the pardon of the Royal fanner. "His Majeaty's anger was speedily dissipated, for lie had ever a par- limier regard for Sir Joseph, who for maay years superintended the royal stock of Merino sheep, and presided at their sale by auc- tion, w Melt annually took place at Windsor.-