21 MARCH 1846, Page 16


runEa—From a return published by order of the Chamber of Deputies, it ap- pears that 156 of its members hold at present public appointments with salaries attached to them. Since 1831, the number of Deputies holding such appoint- ments has varied from 141 to 159. Since the 2d November 1830, 51 Deputies have been nominated to public salaried offices, 9 of which were political. Nine- teen of the 51 had previously occupied similar offices. During the same period, 162 of the office-holding Deputies have been promoted-21 to political, and 141 to non-political appointments. Of the Deputies compelled to stand a new election in consequence of the appointments and promotions of the last fifteen years, 22 have lost their seats.

• PREDICTED BAD WEATHER.—A botanical friend, who resides in the vicinity of London, writes, under date of the 10th instant—" H. K. White Esq., Secretary to the Meteorological Society of England, lectured, on Tuesday the 3d, on me- teorology, in aid of the funds of the Gardeners and Land Stewards JournaL He predicted that frost would set in about the 20th of this month, and continue through March, April, and the first fortnight in May. Should it be true, I fear we shall have little fruit, and a severe Foss to horticulture. Mr. White has generally been found correct in his predictions."—BeVast Whig. [The fearful prophet is too well supported in the commencement of his chilling prospect.]