21 MARCH 1874, Page 1

The Queen's Speech was delivered on Thursday by Royal Commission.

It is short and sweet, but Marked by one clear etymological oddity, if not blunder, such -as Mr. Disraeli is usually said to have avoided. We refer to the use of the word " relationship," instead of " relation," to denote the relative position of ' master and servant.' " Serious differences have arisen and remonstrances have been made by large classes of the community as to the working of the recent Act of Parliament affecting -the relationship of master and servant." We find in the dictionary, quotations of classical English in which the 'relationship' of guardian and ward is spoken of, but then that relationship is an equivalent for the relationship of parent and child. We doubt whether the word can be properly used. to express merely a temporary and official relation. To speak of Mr. Disraeli's relationship to the Queen would certainly be eccentric. The Speech is not exciting. The Queen is in friendly relations with all European Powers, and will " not fail to use the influence arising from these cordial relations," not merely "for the maintenance of European peace," but also for "the faithful observance of international obligations." She is pleased with the Ashantee Expedition and greatly grieved by the Indian famine, but has " directed the Governor-General of India to spare no cost in striving to mitigate this terrible calamity." Farther, the Speech does not say that the Estimates have been been prepared " with a due regard to economy," but simply that they will forth- with be submitted to the House of Commons. By way of work, we are promised a Bill simplifying the transfer of land, an exten- sion of the Judicature Act, so far as it is applicable to Ireland and Scotland, a remedy for the grievances of the Licensed Vic-. tnallers, a measure about Friendly Societies, and a Royal Com-. mission on the laws affecting labour. Evidently there is to be' no omnibus-block this session at the legislative Temple Bar.' One omnibus, a couple of cabs, and a wheelbarrow can clearly all get through, without a struggle or even a scene.