21 MARCH 1896, Page 23


The QuIrto. (J. S. Virtue and Co.)—This new magazine. published for the Slade School of Art, contains a number of very well reproduced drawings and pictures. "The Spirit of the Storm" is a wonderful unfinished drawing by Sandys, the friend

of Rossetti. The energy of the design is beyond praise. In a notice of this illustrator's work Mr. Pennell tells the story of a curious caricature by Sandys of Millais' "Sir Isumbras at the Ford." The horse was turned into a donkey labelled "J. R." (J. Ruskin), carrying Millais, Rossetti, and Holman Hunt across a river, while on the shore the weeping figures of Raphael, Titian, and Michelangelo implore the donkey to return for them. But the author of the lithograph remained unknown. Mr. Spence's draw- ing of "The Legend of St. Cuthbert" is a delightful invention. The musical setting of "I dare not ask a kiss," by Mr. Joseph S. Ward, is an entertaining adaptation of the pessimistic harmonies of " Tristan " to Herrick's graceful conceit.