21 MARCH 1914, Page 24

Kindred and Clan. By Bertha Surtees Phillpotts. (Cam- bridge University

Press. 10s. 6d. net.)—The aim of this volume in the "Cambridge Archaeological and Ethnological Series" is "to discover how long the solidarity of the kindred survived as a social factor of importance in the various. Teutonic countries." Miss Phillpotts is well known as a student. of Scandinavian archaeology, on which she was selected to. write in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. She devotes her present study chiefly to the countries of Northern Europe, and shows that the kindred-system of the early Middle Ages played "no negligible part" in the making of Teutonic history. Her book is a storehouse of interesting facts, and a valuable contribution to the study of Teutonic civilization.