21 MARCH 1925, Page 3

Sir James Craig has advised the Governor of Northern Ireland

to dissolVe his Parliament, and he goes to the country demanding .renewed support in the face of the -Boundary Commission, whose powers he refused to recog- nize. His election cry will be, " Save Derry, Tyrone and Fermanagh and the Boundary." It is .expected that the Nationalists.. will not abstain from voting as they did before, and it will be interesting to see the effect of their votes under the system of _Proportional Representation. No one knows yet-whether Mr. de Valera will venture upon an Ulster campaign. In the Free State. there have lately been .nine by-elections, of which the Government has won seven and the Republicans only two. In spite of the Irish habit of being " agin' the Government " and of the Goverment's inevitable unpopularity, earned by keeping order and collecting taxes, the Southern Irish -are apparently growing tired of Republicanism and are content to give the Treaty a fairer trial.

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