21 MARCH 1931, Page 19

PROBATION OFFICERS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The criticisms

made by Miss Craven, in the first part of her letter in your issue of March 7th have been sufficiently answered on previous occasions, but I feel that the statement in the last sentence of her letter ought not to go unchallenged.

Miss Craven mentions an " injustice " which came to her notice recently, namely, that a " would-be probation officer, fully qualified, with special experience of, and flair for, work among difficult children, has regretfully given up all hope of serving the State in this way, because she is not a member of the Church of England." What does this statement really mean ? Will Miss Craven kindly inform us by whom the candidate was refused ? By the Home Office or some local authority, or by the Church of England Temperance (Southern Director).

C.E.T.S. house, 40 Marsha Street, Westminster, S.W. 1.