21 MARCH 1931, Page 3

The first act of the present Government on coming into

office in 1929 was to kill the London Traffic Bills promoted jointly by the London County Council and the Underground Railways. Now Mr. Morrison, Minister of Transport, has brought in a London Transport Bill which, like the former measures, will bring the under- ground railways, the trams and the omnibuses under one control—but control by a State Board of five officials and not by the board of a public utility company. The Underground and the Metropolitan Railway Companies are to exchange their stock for the new Board's stock. The municipal authorities owning tramways are to receive annual payments covering their interest and redemption charges. Private omnibus proprietors are to be bought out. The new Board will have to issue stock for about 1113,000)000 and will be expected to " live on its own," like our mediaeval kings, without a State subsidy. The suburban railways are not included in its purview.