21 MARCH 1931, Page 48


The latest Report of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China naturally reflects to some extent, the trade depres- sion in the East, and Deposits at the end of the year totalled £40,834,000 against £44,917,000 a year ago. There is a corresponding contraction in some of the assets with an increase in the already substantial proportion of liquid assets. The total of Cash, notwithstanding the decline in Deposits, is more than £1,000,000 higher, while Government and other Securities increased. The Bank pays the usual dividend of 14 per cent. plus a bonus of Os. 3d. per share, making 201 per cent. in all, free of tax. A sum of £30,000 ig added to Contingencies, leaving £187,597 to be carried forward.

A. W. K.