21 MARCH 1947, Page 17


IT is generally thought and said among country people that a late spring is desirable. In some regards it is. The hybridisers of apples, for example, have been concentrating on the creation of varieties that flower late and so are less obnoxious to frost. Considerable success in this direction has been attained, I believe, at East :palling, that most success- fully ingenious research station ; and among the late-developers is, I am told, a new variety of Cox, not yet on the market. Those whose gardens are in "frost pockets," where there is insufficient " air drainage," are advised to grow only the late-flowering varieties. Late springs may defeat May frosts ; but the drawbacks are many. All work in farm and garden is behind.hand, and it is a growing habit of farmers to sow earlier and earlier, especially barleys, and of gardeners to trust peas and onions as well as broad beans to the February soil. This year much more than a month's arrears have to be made up, for the ground will be cold as well as colloidal for a long time to come.