21 MARCH 1992, Page 10


A reader received this letter from Life- cycle Marketing in Maidenhead: Because the printed word is so heavily consumed and valued by mothers-to-be we felt it only right to ask them if their product information needs might be better served.

Based upon the remarkable results of our research, the Royal College of Gen- eral Practitioners and Lifecycle Market- ing would like you to meet a special expectant mother called Emma. She's special because her uniquely construct- ed diary will be the first publication to reach the hands of mothers-to-be, cour- tesy of GPs who do, after all, confirm all pregnancies in the UK.

Created around the real information needs of today's expectant and new mothers, Emma's Diary performs flexi- bly for the reader quite unlike tradition- al 'baby annual' type publications. There are a limited number of diary sec- tion advertising sites, plus Emma's Shopping Guide, which is a highly effi- cient medium for communicating your product information.

The enclosed brochure provides a visual demonstration of how this is achieved. However, we do want to share the full extent of our powerful research findings with you which includes what pregnant women do with product literature and what they want from advertising.

To find out more about Emma's Diary or to arrange a presentation, please telephone Kim March or Jenny Williams now on 0628 771232. We'll be delighted to offer you a proper intro- duction to Emma and explain how she delivers a durable message for you with precision and control.

Yours sincerely KIM MARCH