21 MARCH 1998, Page 23


Gift Subscription Offer

Give a gift subscription to The Spectator and we will send you a bottle of magnificent Laphroaig 10 year old single Islay malt whisky.

Laphroaig is regarded as the ultimate Islay malt, to which all true whisky drinkers will eventually graduate. It is renowned for its pungent, peaty aroma and sweet heathery smokiness which makes it the most challenging of malts. You either love or hate Laphroaig - there are no half measures.

A bottle can be yours if you give a subscription to The Spectator. But hurry as we have only 250 bottles to give away.

NB - although we can send subscriptions overseas, we may only send the Laphroaig to UK addresses. Offer closes 31 May 1998. All orders must be signed. Please allow 28 days for delivers,

SUBSCRIPTION RATES For 1 year: £93 (UK); £104 (Europe); $151 (US airspeed); ; £115 (RoW).

Please send The Spectator each week for one year (52 issues) to:

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