21 MAY 1836, Page 12

credit fur the submission of the Orangemen to declared o

hes of the Sovereign. But Ointige loyalty is a tete nem. We learn from the Dublin Evening Post, thet the warrants to the Irish Pro- vincial Lodges have not been recalled, and that iii point of fact the numbers of affiliated Orangemen have been greatly augmented sinee the address of the House of Communs for their suppression. mid the gracious reply of the King. " Never in the course of the disastrous Orange aseemlancy have so tnnity Orangemen beets made." Our Dublin contemporaly, though the organ of o hat is called the Moderate party, strenuously recommends the renewal of "eigitestion;" end calls for daily spr eau's, lesulutions, and addresses." We may be thank- ful that the Government possesses the confidence. of the people, for the turn affairs are taking in Ireland is formidable indeed.