21 MAY 1836, Page 16



The Statesmen. By finny T.ilor. Esq. Author of "Philip Voitt .1televeldr." II uerouty, Lerriprells mid CO. history or Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in unto itesimotom or the Bourhous in MI5. Ily Arcliiirild E Silva. CIOU. (Vol. V.) Catirll; !Packwood. TRAVEL., A [tome Tour through the ht.inufartuling D44414 of Elul:ital, ht the ,itinmer of 11435 Hy Sir George Author of •• Foresis. Serties. sod Incidents in I he Wilds of North America." N.,erast. A Sumner in Spain; being the Narrative ot a Tour made in the Stamm r oi 1833.

Smith and Elder.