21 MAY 1836, Page 9

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The members of the Protestant Society for the protection of civil and r eligions liberty had their 25th anniversary meeting at the City of London Tavern on Saturday; Lord Ebrington in the chair. The nriticinal speakers seem to have been the Reverend Mr. Hamilton, Mr. J. Sibree, Mr. Baines (all of Leeds), and Mr. John Mellow. Mr. Hamilton excited some disturbance in the meeting, by speaking of the Unitarians as persons who "trampled on the divinity of the Son of God, and counted the blood of the covenant an unholy thing." Tre- mendous cheers and some hissing followed this denunciation by Mr. Hamilton of his brother Dissenters ; whereupon Mr. Hamilton ob- served, that "hiss was the Latin word for a goose." The connexion between Church and State was declared to be disadvantageous to religion, and the resolution not to be content with any thing short of a total abolition of church-rates seemed to be universal. Thanks were voted to Lord Melbourne's Ministry for their efforts to relieve the Dissenters ; but it was distinctly stated, that nothing but perfect equality would ever satisfy them.