21 MAY 1892, Page 1


THE elections in Greece on Sunday resulted in the total defeat of M. Delyannis, the voters returning 170 Members, out of 207, pledged to approve his dismissal by the King, and the policy of M. Tricoupi, who will be Premier. (Why have the papers recently taken to calling this gentleman "M. Tri- coupis" ? He writes it "Tricoupi," and it is so printed on his card.) The vote is, in fact, one in favour of the Monarchy and of financial reform, which M. Tricoupi will at once under- take, though he will not give up the Fleet or his hope of recovering, at the fitting time, Epirus, Greek Macedonia, and the remaining Greek islands. We have said enough on the subject elsewhere, but may add here that the vote in favour of the Monarchy was a wise one. The Greeks are very democratic, but they would fight over the Presidential elections, and lose all the sympathy of the great military Courts, which, should the Great War ever begin, may allow them to acquire Epirus, half Macedonia, and the islands. The Slavic half of Macedonia would go to Bul- garia, with which, however, Greece could put herself in very friendly relations. The true difficulty in the way of a Federation of the Balkans, is not the distribution of ter- ritory, but the occupation of Constantinople, which ought to be the capital of the Federation.