21 MAY 1898, Page 24


Atlee (R. F.), The Seasons of a Life, or 8vo (White) 6/0' Badean (A.), Conspiracy : a Cuban Romance, cr 8vo (Warne) 2/0 Bass (F.), Nature Stories for Young Readers, or 8vo (Isbister) 2/6 Bennett (B..), and Another, History of Corn Milling. Vol L, 8vo ...(Slmpkin) 10/6 Resent (W. H.), Elementary Conics, cr 8vo (Bell) 2/6 Bird (R.), More Law Lyrics, or 8vo (Blackwood) 3/6 Buckton (Mrs. C. M.), Comfort and Cleanliness, cr 8vo (Longmans) 2/0 Butler (N. M.), The Meaning of Education, or 8vo (Macmillan) 4/6

Cable (G. W.), The Grandifssimes. or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) a)

Caldecott (A.), The Church in the West Indies, 12mo Coleridge (E. P.), Res Graecae, or tiro (Bell) 5/0 De Quetteville (P. W.), Short Studies on Vital Subjects, or 8vo (Stock) 6/0 Dudeney (Mrs. Henry B.), Hagar of Homerton, or 8vo (Pearson) 6/0 Eames (J.), Sermons to Boys and Girls, or 8vo (Allergen) 3/6

Essays, Mock Essays, and Character Sketches, Reprinted from Journal of

Education, cr 8vo (Whittaker) 6/0 Ferrer (Lord). Studies in Currency, 1898, 8vo (Macmillan) 12/6 Fraser (Mrs. Hugh), The Looms of Time, or 8vo Mister) 6/0 Green (A. K.) (Mrs. 0. Rehire), Lost Man's Love, or 8vo (Putnam) 6/0 Griffith (G.), The Gold•Finder, or 8vo (White) 3/6 Hatch (0.), Sermons, or 8vo (Longmans) 6/0 Gnthrie (C. J.), John Knox and John Knox's House, cr 13m (Oliphant) I/6

Hickson (M.), Shadows of Life, cr 8vo (Lane) 3/6

Hothouse (V.). An Unknown Quantity, cr 8vo (Downey) 6/0 Holman (H.), English National Education, cr 8vo (Blackie) 2/6

Hope (A. R.), Mr. Dalton's Prescription, and other Stories, or 8vo...(13.S.U.) 2/0

Jervois (W. H. H.), The Christian's Manual 18mo (Rivingtou) 2/6 Langdon (SI Two Men of Devon in Ceylon. or 8vo (0. H. Kelly) 3/6 Lye (0.), The Hepworth Diamonds, or 8vo (Warne) 6/0 liracHfLuull V.) ("Mao"), The Bend of the Road. or 8vo (Downey) 3/6 Mills (C. K.), The Nervous System and its Diseases, my 8vo (Pentland) 25/0-

Morley (L.), Life's Wheel, cr 8vo (Digby & Long) 6/0

Newdigste-Newdegate (Lady), The Cheverels of Cheverel Manor (Lonemans) 10/6 Oliphant (Mrs.). A Widow's Tale, and other Stories, cr 8vo (Blackwood) 6/0 Oppenheitu (E. P.), As a Man Lives, or ihro (Ward & Lock) 3/6 Palliser (F W.), The Irish Rebellion of 1793, cr 8vo (Simpkin) 5/0

Paton (.1.), Oastlebraes drawn from "The Tinlee MS.." cr 8vo ...(Blaokwood) 6/0 Phillips (Dr. J. L.), Missionary to the Children of India : a Biographical Sketch by his Widow. 8vo (8.8.17.) NS Psalms and Lamentations, edited by R. G. Moulton (Modern Reader's

Bible), 2 vols. 16mo (Macmillan) each 2/6 Rhoscomyl (0.), The Shrouded Face, or 8vo (Pearson) 6/0 Ricks (G.), Manual Training, 4to (Macmillan) 7/6

Rives (A.), Meriel : a Love Story, or 8vo (Matto I Windt') 3/6

Schenk (L.), The Determination of Sex, or 8vo (Werner) 5/0 Scott (L.), The Renunciation of Helen. or 8vo (Hutchinson) 6/0

Scott (W. F.), The Last Lemnrian, cr 8vo (Bowden) 3/6. Sewell (E.), Examination of Horses as to Soundness, 8vo (Wiliam) 5/0 Surteese (A.), One of Nature's Gentlemen, or 8vo (Digby I Long) 6/0 Simonds (H.), The Story of the Australian Church, 12mo (S.P.O.K.) 2/6

Tepper (H.), The Growth and Influence of Music in Relation to thvilisatioo, cr 8vo (Stook) 6/0 Thayer (W. S.), Lectures on Malarial Fevers, 8vo (Hirschfeld) 12/0

Titenener (B. B.), A Primer of Psychology, cr 8vo (Macmillan) 4/6

Tont (T. F.). The Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273, cr 8vo (Riviugton) 7/6 Trail and Camp-Fire: the Book of the Boone and Crockett Club (Douglas) 15/0 Two Native Narratives of the Mutiny in Delhi, translated by O. T. Metcalfe, 8vo (Constable) 12/6 Ward (L. F.), Outlines of Sociology, or 8vo (Macmillan) 7/6 Watson (H. B. M.). The Heart of Miranda, and other Stories, or 13m (Lane) 6/0 Whyte (A.), Bible Characters: Gideon to Absolom, cr 8vo (Oliphant) 3/6

Wilson (A.), Some Reminiscences of a Lecturer, or 8vo (Jerrold) 110