21 MAY 1910, Page 2

Mr. Jowett goes on to attribute the blame to Sir

Edward Grey and Mr. Haldane. "Far be it from me to deny the great qualities of either of these two prominent members of the Cabinet. But neither of these politicians will ever put their trust in the people. They do not believe in the people." Mr. Jowett ends by asking whether the Irish Members will swallow the Whig preamble. In his opinion, a reconstructed Second Chamber such as is now proposed may prove a more formidable barrier against Home-rule than the present one. "At the very least, therefore, the Irish Members should insist on the destruction of the Whig preamble. If they do, the Parliament Bill will not be passed—even if it is pressed." If the Socialist and Labour men are thinking generally on the lines on which Mr. Jowett is thinking, and we see no reason to the contrary, then we may feel pretty sure that there will be no General Election this year, and in all probability none till after the Coronation.