21 MAY 1910, Page 3

The Hungarian Government has contracted a loan of 100,000,000 kronen

(£4,166,000) on current account chiefly for the service of the coupons of the Hungarian Crown and Gold Rentes. For the service of the coupons this year, according to a statement by the Vienna correspondent of the Times on Thursday, 165,500,000 kronen will be required, and the Finance Minister can provide only 65,500,000 kronen out of revenue. The Finance Minister has announced that last year expenditure in Hungary exceeded the revenue by more than £3,000,000. It is thought that the Delegations may meet in November, when, it is said, a credit of £11,660,000 will be required for shipbuilding. Austria as well as Hungary has a large deficit in prospect, and the people are already taxed very severely. As the correspondent says, both countries have come through worse plights, but those were in the disastrous days in the middle of last century, and not, as now, in time of peace.